树 根 Life In Wuhan
(im force to Blog . lols . )

Ngee Ann Poly

Sunday 19 April 2009

Day 41

Today we woke up late. As we had a late night yesterday, so when I woke up I found that some of them had already left to collect their frame and stuff. So cristofer, Kenneth, jiahui, ernest and me are the only one left. So we woke up planning to have breakfast and also go out to get some stuff. I wanted to get a basketball for my friend as this is already the second last day that we are in wuhan. So when we are about to step out of the dorm, the rest of them came back. They also wanted to go out as we are having a closing ceremony and we are hosting it. So we must get some refreshments for the guest. We went separate ways as we are getting different things. So after we haven gotten our stuff we headed back to the canteen to have our lunch. Jit siong, Kenneth and I decided to take our food back to dorm to enjoy it. So we headed back to dorm to finish our lunch. The closing ceremony will be at the foreign school at 4pm, so we must be quick and not delaying the schedule. So after we had finish doing some of our things we headed to the foreign school for the ceremony. After we reach there the activity haven’t really started, so we played table tennis. So after the students have all arrived, the ceremony starts officially. Mr An, the principal of foreign school were invited up on the stage to talk. He gave us some blessing and also welcomes us to revisit the school if we have any chance. After that was Mr Ma, he commented on the trip and also thank the organizing committee. After this I have thoughts on the trip. Thinking that time really flies. There is still flash back on the first day we reach wuhan and now it is our last day. So after that was some interactive activity. Students were having fun. I was being asked to sing. So I sang a Chinese song. Not long after we had our fireworks. This was delayed for days due to the bad weather. Luckily the sky was clear today. We were able to play our fireworks. It was really a very great experience playing fireworks as we can’t play it in Singapore. Actually we are not allowed to play at the backyard of the school but after a long discussion with the guard, they allowed us to set the fireworks here. It was really nice and also loud. So after playing we quickly went out to have our last dinner in wuhan. We ate a lot, thinking that we would not be able to taste those foods when we are back in Singapore. So after dinner we went back to our dorm to pack our luggage and we chatted. Talking about our experiences in wuhan. Went to bed not long after as we need to wake up early to prepare for departure. Nights!


Ok. Time really files. It is already our last day in wuhan. Mixed feeling. After all we lived here for 6 weeks. I think I have adapted to the lifestyle here and developed a bond with this place. It is hard to put my feelings in words. We had our happy and sad moment here, make new friends and the bonds with our buddies have strengthen. Although I am excited that we will be reaching Singapore in less then 24 hours but I think that I will miss this place. How I wish that I can come here anytime I want. Anyway things have to end. Let’s make this a good experience rather then something sad. Ok guys will be back tomorrow. Nights!


Do not remove credits. My "oh-so-scary" monsters will come to get you

Sunday 12 April 2009


Do not remove credits. My "oh-so-scary" monsters will come to get you

Day 27
Today lesson was delayed till 10am due to yesterday’s BBQ. So we woke up at 830am and wash up. Went for breakfast at 915am and went for lesson after that today. Had lecture on chapter 6 and went for lunch after that. After that we went back to dorm and rest and went to lesson. Mr ma gave us solutions for our tutorial and taught us how to do lab 6 and we are off to go. We went for early dinner and return to our dorm to complete our lab 6 which we need to submit tomorrow. The lab was not as easy as the past few labs. We spent quite a couple of hours to complete it and its enchantment. So we are sleeping early today as the lab murdered most of our brain cells and we need some rest to revive them. So nights!!
Woohoo 10 am lesson is still the best. OkOk! Things are getting more and more difficult for APPG, the new methods are making us headache and we surely need more revision on those last few chapters as the final theory test are coming soon. Gogogo. So nights!!

Day 28
So lesson was as usual today. Woke up, wash up, breakfast, lesson in the morning. Mr ma went through the last chapter for APPG today and did our last tutorial for APPG. Time really flies~~ Mr ma released us early for lunch as they are having lunch with the staff here. So after that had lunch and went back to dorm to rest. At about 150 we started walking to our classroom and continued with our lab and submit lab 6. Went back to dorm and continue doing lab 7. Played some games and going to sleep after that. As tomorrow we must wake up early for the Chinese lecture. So nights!!

Time really flies super fast. Cannot imagine that it had already finish APPG and we left only 2 weeks in china and we had to submit many things. The deadline is nearing and we are yet to complete our stuff. Feeling the pressure now and need to buck up more and work harder for our final theory paper. After that we can enjoy!! Woohoo~~` Nights guys!!

Day 29
Woke up at 630am today to prepare for the Chinese lecture at 8am. So we drag our feed to wash up and to eat our breakfast. As we do not want to be late, today we take away our food to the foyer of the foreign school to eat our breakfast. So after breakfast we went into the classroom. Today our lecturer is the director of the foreign school. Today he will be lecturing us on the history of China, I think that this topic interest me a lot as we have seen many movies and television series on the Chinese history. As for the time constraint we have to continue the 2nd part of the slides tomorrow. So lunch after that. And went back to dorm and rest. Having lesson at 2pm. We will summaries the lecture that we are given just now. So after we have finished our summary we continued with our APPG miniproject and our lab 7. The class ended at 4 plus. And after that we went for basketball session, we started playing at 5 and we only manage to play for one hour as the sky darken and we cannot see anything. So after our games we went for our dinner at canteen 2. After that we went out to get some stuff as Kenneth wanted to get his shampoo. After that we went back to our dorm to complete our lab7 and continued with our miniproject. Sleeping soon as we will be having another Chinese lecture tomorrow at 8. So nights!
I think that it is a very amazing thing that we can know the history. I am wondering who keep these historical books and they can preserve until now, letting us know how the live is in the past and also what is their character. Although Kong Zi is consider being a saint but there are still people opposing him and even went to temples and rack the place. I think that if people now have the integrity and the honesty like the past we will have more harmonies. But in every era there will still be bad guys around. So we must do something to leave good impression for the next generation. Sleeping soon class at 8 tomorrow. Nights!

Day 30
Again we woke up at 630am today to prepare for the Chinese lecture. But we woke up late at 740am. So we quickly wash up and rush to have our breakfast. We took away our breakfast to the foreign school to eat. After eating we went for our lesson. The second part of the Chinese tradition thoughts was not that interesting as compared to the first part of the lecture. So after the lecture we went to have our lunch and as usual we went back to dorm to take a rest. After resting we went to the 4th floor of the foreign language school to have our lecture on the Chinese fengshui. The topic is about those different type of Chinese practicing on the fengshui. These practices depend on the different type of religion that they are in. The slides also mention some do and do not in the Chinese practices. Showed us some videos. The lessoned ended shortly after that. After that nick and I went out to dry wash our jackets. Each piece only cost us 7 yuan. It is like 1 plus SGD. So after that we felt a little bit hungry so went into a china fast food restaurant and grab a bite. The food was not bad and the price was also not bad. It cost us 11 yuan for each meal. So we along the way back school. We went to meet with the rest and have our dinner. So after that went back dorm and did some revision and went to bed after that as I am feeling really tired. So nights!
I think that we Chinese must keep the tradition on for the next generation to know what it’s like being a tradition Chinese. Fengshui is something that we must believe in. As my family believe in fengshui and slowly I tend to believe that if you got the right fengshui you will be prosperous and will be smoother in your life. Nights!

Day 31
Okay. Today lesson starts at 9am. So we woke up one hour later than the day before. Had more sleep. Really need to replenish my sleep. Feel really tired. As usual we went for our breakfast at canteen 1. And walked to class. Had answers for our theory test one. Mr chua returned us our papers to check our results. I got 71 for the paper. I was satisfied before I went through my paper. After I went through my paper I was not that satisfied as I think I could have scored better. Because of some careless mistakes that I have made. So we were dismissed earlier and so our afternoon were free. We have our lunch before we return to our base and played CS!! Cristofer went for his remedial for APPG as he failed his test. So we waited for him before we have dinner at 6plus. After dinner we continued to play CS with the whole class. It was like 10 v 10 CS. We played until late night before we went to bed.
Almost the whole class passed the test. I think because this was an easy test. Need to buck up for theory test 2. Today had more interaction with our mates and I think we can have more of this session. Ok nights!

Day 32
Today woke up late at 10. As we do not have any lesson today. So we went for our late breakfast cum lunch. After that we went out to collect our clothes and also get some stuff. Helped my grandmother to get her cream. After that went back to the laundry shop to collect our sweater as went left it there to dry wash. We then decided to get some stuff back for family and friends as we saw shops selling souvenir. After that went to get some herbal tea as I felt heaty. So after that we went back to our dorm to relax and we stay inside our dorm until dinner. After that we went back to our dorm and continue with some revision and games. After that we did our laundry and went to bed as we are going out tomorrow to shop! So good nights.
Got some stuff before we leave wuhan. Got to shop as our money are still not used up and get some clothing here as the clothes are cheaper. So nights!

Day 33
Woke up at 9am today to prepare for the trip to jianghan to start our shopping spree. So we left our dorm at 10 to have our breakfast. As we do not have much time here, we must fully utilize our free time to get the things we want. So we went out to shop today. We went to the IT mall to change bus. When we are at the school gate we saw 901 which is able to bring us to the IT mall but when we boarded the lady told us that this bus terminate at lu xiang so we got down the bus. But too bad nicki have given her the money and she had already issue the ticket and it is not refundable. So nicki wasted his 2 dollar yuan. After that there comes a bus 907 and ben says this bus can bring us to the IT mall. So we boarded the bus. We intended to change another bus at the IT mall as dave told us that bus 608 can reach our destination, so went we reach there we looked for bus 608 but there isn’t any there. Therefore we decided to take a cab there. So we separate ourselves into 2 groups to board the cab. So we boarded the cab first. When we are halfway there the driver told us that he is not very familiar about the roads there. He wanted us to change another cab and wanted us to pay the full price. So we decided to pay him 25 yuan and just walked off. Shortly after we get down the cab we hailed another cab and went to our destination. So we paid another 8 yuan to reach our destination. So after we have reached we immediately meet up with the rest. We then went to the ATM mall to shop for our stuff. After all our morning shopping we went to have our lunch at pizza hut. We each ordered a pizza. It was much cheaper than the pizza hut in Singapore. Each person only paid about 56 yuan. So after that we continued shopping until evening. Some of them went back first as they are feeling tired. So we continued hovering around there. We had steak for dinner as recommended by dave. Really the food was really nice and cheap. 63 yuan for the set. So it is super worth it. So after our dinner we went back to our hostel. When we are on the way back the driver told us that he is not very familiar about the road to WUST. We are worried. But we told him to go the way that he is most familiar with and finally we reached our destination. Went back to dorm and went up to ernest dorm. He brought a very big cake and invited all of us up to have it. As today is his mother’s birthday. So after eating the cake we went back to our dorm to sleep. Nights!
I think that if you come china you must surely shop and make full use of the time. I have also learnt how to bargain for a lower price. There was once we went into a shop to buy a T-shirt the shop keeper insisted that the price is fixed but we manage to bring down the price. Also even china people themselves are not familiar with their own roads. We need to be aware of the surrounding when we are in another country.

Day 34
Ok today is Monday. No lesson as we are preparing for our theory test 2. So I woke up at 12 today and went for lunch. After that went for the revision class held by Mr chua, as mr ma is coming back tonight. So after the revision we went for our dinner and back to our dorm to do some more self revision. After that went to bed as we are having an adventure camp tomorrow. So nights!
Today was a short day as I woke up late. Went for the revision and I found out that there are a lot of things that I am not quite familiar with some of the chapters and the test is only 2 days away. So I got to buck up on and have some intensive revision. Tomorrow having adventure camp so nights!

Day 35
Woke up at 7 today to prepare for the adventure camp. I was feeling a little weak today. I think maybe I am sick. Went to canteen for breakfast, as I didn’t have the appetite to eat anything I ordered a cup of soya milk. We quickly rushed our breakfast and go over to the adventure camp site. We had some ice breaking activity and the instructor divided us into groups. We started designing our group flag by giving ourselves a group name. Our group name is called ZHONG XIN it means combination of China and Singapore. After that we came out with a team song we changed the lyrics of the song to lion and panda instead of tigers. It symbolize Singapore and China. So after that we are suppose to perform and introduce our group name and group song. So after that it was our activity time. We were told to made a tank chain using newspaper and race with our product. So we made our chain. We shortly join the race. As the time is up. Our newspapers tear before it even race.LOL. So we are obviously the last group. After that we were released for lunch early. Mr chua wanted us to bring the MDE students to the famous fish balls. I went back to dorm to rest as I was feeling not well. I was having a fever. So I didn’t join them for the afternoon activity. I slept until night then I took the medicine that Sebestian gave it to me. It was super effective, I felt much better after having it. After that they went for the briefing and after that they told me that the theory test was postponed after the trip. So I was relieved as I have more time for the revision. So after that I continued to sleep. So nights!
Falling sick isn’t good. We must drink more water and eat more fruits. With the sickness we cannot participate well in those activities and I missed a lot of fun time. So we must lead a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and eat more healthy food. I think that China food is too oily for me. So I think Singapore life is still better for me. Nights!

Day 36
Ok I woke up early today. As I have slept for the whole day and we have no lesson today. Mr ma is starting the interview on the mini project. So I no need to do anything today. So we modified our mini project as I will be interviewed on the mini project on Thursday. So after that we went for our lunch. After lunch we continued with our project and did our IS reports. After that we went for dinner. And went to opposite to get things for souvenirs for our friends. After that we went for briefing. As Mr chua is setting off to Tianjin and he is saying his LAST WORDS. He told us that we will be setting the fireworks on Saturday night. So we need to report to Mr ma daily. After the briefing we went back to our dorm and did some laundry. After all the stuff we did some IS and went to bed. Maybe I just recovered and I felt really tired. So nights!
So we did our last touch up on our mini project as tomorrow is our due date for the submission. Our project needs to be interviewed. Luckily we have started our IS report early, therefore we have more of our own time now. We can travel to other province during these few days. But I think that it is not worth it spending hours on the bus, I rather rest and shop around in wuhan.

Day 37
Woke up early today as I slept early last night. So woke up checked on my mini project for the last time before I go for the interview. So after I have checked my mini project I waited for the rest to get ready and we went for lunch together. After that we all went to the foreign school for our interviews. To speed up the process we all went into the classroom together. Mr ma told us that we will be given at least a pass for our work. So the marks are ranged from 6 to 9 percent. So after all the waiting it was finally my turn to present my work to Mr ma. So after my presentation I finally relieved, because I only left my report to do. We left 5 more days before we leave wuhan. Whao! Time really flies. So after our interview we went for dinner and went back to dorm for our IS report. Did our report until night and after that we went to bed early as tomorrow we will be going to hankou to shop for our stuff. As our days are numbered in wuhan. So nights!
Even though Mr ma will give us a pass if we submit our project but we must still do our best in the project. Our IS topic I really big so we must spend more time on finding the reliable source for our topic. Finally our day in wuhan have come to a countdown stage. 5 more days!! Nights!

Day 38
Today woke up at 845 to prepare to go to the jiang han street. We wanted to get more stuff before we go back to Singapore. So after we are ready we went to canteen 2 to have our breakfast, meanwhile we waited for the rest to be ready. We went to the IT mall to get our Ipod, but the Ipod is too lousy so we didn’t buy it. Instead some of them got the local branded mp4. So after we got our mp4 we went our separate ways, as jia hui and ben doesn’t want to follow us to hankou. So we flagged a cab there. After that we continued shopping at hankou. Didn’t have our lunch. We had some small food and we continued shopping. I got 1 shirt. Manage to cut the price by 20 yuan. So I brought the shirt at 40 yuan. We continued shopping around. Some small stuff caught our eye, so we stopped and decided to get it back for our friends. So we shopped until evening before we head back to our base. After we reach WUST we had our dinner and went back to dorm. After that it was some chilling out time for us we played some games and stuff. After that we went to bed as we are going out again tomorrow. We must fully utilize the time we left here. So nights!
The china imitation isn’t that great as we imagined. They have really irritating fault, this made people not to buy them. Maybe is the working attitude of the china people who make it worst. Taxis here are really going at a very fast speed. They only care about getting to their destination in time and fast. The clothes here are really super cheap. Maybe they are locally made, therefore they can sell at such a low price. But they design are nice. So I got to get more clothes here. Night guys!

Day 39
Ok! We went to yellow crane tower’ street to shop for stuff today. So we woke up at 830am today to prepare ourselves, as we are 3 days away back to Singapore. So we decided to get as much things as possible back to Singapore. Things here are really cheap here, but we must still take note about our luggage space and the weight of our luggage as we as the maximum weight was 30kg. So we took a minivan to the yellow crane tower’ street to shop for our items. Went we are on the way to our destination, our van went into a tunnel that is not meant for cars to pass. But this is china they hardly have any regulation on their traffic. So he took the way, meanwhile there was a car that is coming through on the opposite direction. So the both side doesn’t want to let each other pass through, but our side have more cars and there is only one car in the opposite direction. So drivers in the cars came out to quarrel with him. After all our side won the quarrel, he had no choice but to let us go. So when our van wants to go, we clashed and our van was rubbed by the car. So the both drivers came out and quarrel. The quarrel was vigorous, they fought. Our driver took out a metal bar and hit him. We were all stunned, as we don’t know that he will do this. After that those other drivers came out trying to stop them and after awhile they stopped and called the police. So the driver told us that china police are not very efficient, he told us to get a cab there as we are near to our destination. So we split into 2 and took the cab. We gave the driver 50 yuan as he have brought us quite far. So after we reach our destination we met up with the rest and started shopping. After all the shopping we went to the food street to have our soup bun. IT WAS HEAVENLY. Nice!! So after we had our food we went back WUST as we will be playing fireworks. So when we reach WUST mr ma told us that the fireworks session is cancel due to the rain. I think we can still play as the rain is not that heavy. So we stayed in our dorm and played games. Sleeping already. Nights!
I think that not all china people are bad tempered. As for our driver he is quite friendly and quite patient. As he helped the driver to reverse as the driver have difficulties reversing. From this I can see that he is quite friendly and helpful. He also never anyhow horn people. Those usual china people are not like this, so he is quite a good guy. So the shopping was quite ok seen many interesting stuff. China is a place that is really great to experience and to shop. But after all I still prefer Singapore. Left 2 more days before we are back. Excited! Woohoo~~ nights!

Day 40
Today we woke up at 9 because we are going to lu xiang to get some stuff for our friends and family. So we decided to have MacDonald for breakfast. When we are walking to the bus stop we saw the minivan driver yesterday and we asked him how it was yesterday. So after we asked him we saw our bus we rush to the bus and head to our destination. When we reach there we ate our breakfast and split our group into 2. This was to make things faster as we need to be back school early for the fireworks. So after we got all our stuff, we waited for Ernest to come as we all wanted to get some stuff. Because we are having some party tonight!! So after we had all got our stuff we rushed back as the rain is getting heavier. When we reached our dorm we were told that the firework session is canceled due to the heavy rain. So after that we went to have our dinner and got some snacks for tonight. As we had some alcohol. When we are at the canteen we saw mr chua he told us that there will be briefing to night. So after getting all our stuff we went back and briefing after that. Mr chua told us that tian jin is a place that has cheaper electronic stuff. He told us some of the experience that he had there. After that he told us about the group report. So tomorrow will be the closing ceremony. He told us not to go far. So after the briefing we tried to finish our report and carried on with our party. Many people came and we were having fun. We played some poker game with our alcohol. After some time some of them were tired and tipsy so they decided to sleep early. After that it left nicki, Kenneth, cristofer, ernest, jit siong, stefen and me we played a game called true or drink. We were given cards and the odd one will be the lucky one. He can choose to be questioned or he can drink. So we were like speaking the truth and talk things that are from our bottom of our heart. After that we had some doubts on the religion and supernatural stuff so we started asking each other and did one experiment on the current that we can transfer to each other. We played until 7 am before we went to sleep.

I think that this kind of activity are good as this can build the bonds in us. We can say our things and also know each other better through this. We left one day before we are going back to Singapore!?!?! So nights guys!!


Do not remove credits. My "oh-so-scary" monsters will come to get you

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Day 23
As usual went for our breakfast today and went for lesson. But mr ma is not here today. He hurt his ankle, since yesterday. So mr chua came in and relieve mr ma. We were told to do our journal and post it to our blog, mr chua also informed us that the photo essay will be change to individual work instead of group work. I think this is to prevent some lazy bums to leech their teammates work. So that’s all for the morning. Afternoon mr ma came back and joined us for lesson. He looks fine, I suppose he is feeling better. So did another practice for tomorrow’s theory test. After that went to canteen 3 to exchange some CDs. Went back to dorm and went for dinner at 7. Came back to our dorm and did some uploading, did some revision on our theory test. Tomorrow we will be going to the optic fibre and cable factory to see how they process and how they actually make them. Mr chua told us it wasn’t easy for us to get a chance to tour at the factory in china. So I think it is a rare opportunity for us. So sleeping early tonight. OK!! Nights.

First theory test in china. Compare to Cprogramming I think that I understand APPG better. Because APPG is more easier to understand and more straight forward. As for the studying process I think that APPG is easier and able to remember the codes. Hope that the test tomorrow will be easy and what I learn and study will come out. Nights!

Day 24
Ok. Went for our breakfast and boarded the bus. The bus was rather spacious today compared to the one on our last trip. so we manage to get ourselves a seat and there are seats left. As the last trip we didn’t manage to have seats for everyone of us so we had to seat on peoples lap. So the journey begins. We reached the factory at about 45mins and we waited for the other group before we proceed with the tour. So we manage to see the making process for the optic fibre. Because the person told us that the company wants to keep the making process of the cable as a secret to prevent their competitor to overtake them. So we had the tour. After the tour the whole group took photos together at the lobby of the factory as taking photos in the processing area are not allow. So after all the things we head back to WUST and we went for our LUNCH!!! Woohoo. After the lunch we went back to our dorm to do more revision on the theory test. We head to the class at 330pm as the test starts at 4. Ok after we got the paper I flip through and I think the test wasn’t that difficult as those that the teacher has given us. We proceed with our test and after the test we had dinner as most of us are lazy to come out at night. After dinner we brought some bread and stuff for tomorrow morning as we have got tour tomorrow. So that’s all for today tomorrow need to wake up at 7. Ok guys. Nights!
I think that the time is really flying went you are having great time. As time pass, we realize that we are already at the fourth week. We already finish our common test for APPG. So we are going back in 2 more weeks. Ok. The weather is getting colder here. Woohoo.. Better enjoy more of this cooler weather before we get back to Singapore. Got to get some stuff at tomorrow’s trip. So okay! Nights.

Day 25
So we all woke up at 7 today and wash up. Had our breakfast at the dorm. We reached the meeting area but the bus is late so we waited for the bus in the rain. The bus was late for 15mins. So meanwhile we got ourselves some hot drink to keep ourselves warm. After that we boarded the bus and head to hankou. Actually we were suppose to tour the park there but due to the bad weather the guide changed the plan and let us have our free time and shop there. Instead we started eating there first, we ate at the fast food restaurant call DICOS. Their food is horrible and also services. Ernest started taking photos there but were stopped by their staff saying that we are not allowed to take any photos there. After we eat and we started our shopping adventure there. We went shop to shop to look at clothes and stuff. I brought one hoodies there. For 150 yuan but the original price was 210 yuan. It was like 30 plus SGD. WORTH IT LA!! After all that shopping we went back to our starting place to meet the rest and head back to WUST. But we are allowed to drop by some places. So almost the whole group dropped and went for more shopping. We went to a place near yellow crane tower, which was introduced by Dave. We got our pirated original there. And it is much cheaper than in Singapore. So after we had got all our stuff we went for dinner at a nearby food street. They sell a lot of variety there. But we decided to sit down and eat. We happened to pass by a soup bun stall and we suddenly have the craving for it, so we went in to eat. Ok the bun was IMBA!! Super nice can!! It is much better than those we had near our school. After we finished our buns we met the rest and head back to WUST. We shared cab back as we think that it was much convenient compare to bus. So we reach WUST and the fare was 50 yuan. Waited for the rest to reach before we head back to our dorm. We went to bed after that as it was a very tiring day for us. Nights!
I think that we always need to be more prepared when we are going out. Like today we didn’t bring our umbrella and it is raining quite heavily and no choice we had to get an umbrella today. Yeah!! But I realized that the number of sales promoter in one shop can go up to 30 in one shop. The number was incredible. But their attitude is quite good and they have the simile on their face all the time. It is like 30 people smiling at you so feeling a little awkward too. Compare to Singapore their service here is way better. So don’t be fussy. I realized that everywhere we go people will ask where are we from. Maybe we have the typical Singaporean face. I also realized that china people really can create fake stuff. Even if you are carrying the genuine stuff, your stuff will look fake when you are carrying it here. So that’s all for today. Tiring day. Nights!!

Day 26
Ok today is SUNDAY!! We woke up at 930am today as we are going to the IT mall to get some stuff. So after we woke up we went for breakfast and went off. Luckily the bus ride today wasn’t that long but still that pack. We manage to squeeze into the bus and reach our destination in 40mins. So when we reach there we went to look for our MP4. We scanned the shops and compared the price. We got 7 MP4 in total with the price of 235yuan each. It was OK but I think we can still bargain for better price. Maybe because we went there in the morning so they wouldn’t want to give us too much discount. So after we brought our MP4 we went to look for Ernest tripod for his camera. He brought it at 500 yuan and it is only 113SGD. Singapore did sell this brand of tripod but it cost around 180SGD so I think that this is a good bargain. After we had all got our stuff we head back to WUST to have our lunch and the BBQ at night with the local students here. When we got to the BBQ pit at the cultural village. We saw that they have no proper BBQ pit and fire starter there. So we picked up dried grass and some charcoal to start the fire before we can eat. By the time we started the fire the sky had already darkened and we need to depend on our torchlight for light. As the place there was in total darkness. We finish our session quick and went out to have something to eat as it is not filling. So after eating we went back to our dorm and rest. Nights!
Everything that you buy in china you must bargain for the best price that you can get. I think that different countries have their standards and their style. Maybe they like this kind of BBQ style. They like to BBQ food that we usually not BBQ in Singapore E.g. cucumbers. Okay that’s all for today! Nights!


Do not remove credits. My "oh-so-scary" monsters will come to get you

Thursday 26 March 2009


Do not remove credits. My "oh-so-scary" monsters will come to get you


Do not remove credits. My "oh-so-scary" monsters will come to get you

Day 4
We woke up at 630am this morning and went for our breakfast as we are suppose to meet at the entrance of WUST at 750am for our tour. Our first location was the park in wuhan it has great scenery there we took a tramp around the park as it is very big. The next location was the museum in wuhan those antique was very nice and well preserve. We went to an eating place near there and the food there was nice and cheap. After that we went to the yellow crane tower. The tour guide told us a story about the tower and how the tower got its name. Then we tour around the tower. We went to the top floor of the tower and the scenery was..WAAAA!!NICE. After that we head back to our hostel and went for our dinner. Wash up and bed time!! Nights.
I think wuhan has a very great and rich culture. But the only bad thing is the people here are rather unhygienic they can pee on the road side!! After all today was a normal and fine day. Did manage to see good view of wuhan and those national treasures. I think it is worth waking up early. Nights.

Day 5
OKAY!! We have no lessons today because today is SUNDAY! Woohoo. We woke up at around 11 and went to have a few ball games and went for our lunch at canteen 2. After that went back to our dome and do our laundry. No washing machine. Zzzz. After that around 4 we out to one of wuhan’s night market to hover around. We took the 30 dollar van. It took us to door step. 6 person for 30dollar. That was OKAY. We had some snacks there. Around 7 we went back to school. After that we went to a nearby KFC to have our dinner. And did some shopping at the supermarket near it. Went back to hostel. Briefing @ 10. Our coordinator lost her wallet in a crampy bus this afternoon. I think we need to take more care of our belonging. Ha.
Wuhan people can really eat salt. Their food were super salty. Without washing machine is really troublesome. Need to hand wash our clothes. Ya . that’s all for today. Nights.

Day 6
Today we had to wake up at 6 to prepare ourselves for the lecture. Because there will be a guest lecturer, the lesson will be at 8. We rush to the classroom shortly after we brought our breakfast. We ate while we are on our way there. Today our lecture is on the history of china. As we woke up early most of us did not really concentrate. Some of us fell asleep during the lesson. Today’s lecture I have learnt some culture and the history of those different attractions in wuhan. After that was our lunch time. The lesson after lunch was to do a summary on today’s lecture by the guest lecturer. Turn in early today as I was very tired. Nights!
Although we have 8 o’clock lesson at Singapore too but the 8 o’clock lesson in wuhan seems to be super early. We are all too tired to concentrate on our lecture. Maybe I do not have to eat breakfast in Singapore, which means I can wake up later.

Day 7
Woke up at 730 today as our lesson start at 9. As usual we went for our breakfast and went for our lesson. Did our first lab on the APPG. It was hard at first. After we know how it works we start to do our lab 1a. It was not that difficult after all. And after that went for our lunch. And went back class. Waste my time installing the latest visual studio. And after that did lab 1b. After lesson we went out to have dinner and stock up our necessities and went back to our dome. Did more practice on the APPG and we did lab 1c. Went to briefing and that ends our day. Nights.
We need to have practice on everything to get used to them. APPG was like C-programming. The first lesson was not that bad after all. Did understand the lecture and did our lab exercise. It is getting warmer in wuhan. OKAY. Nights!

Day 8
Have got IS presentation today. Which is the one we did on Singapore and wuhan culture. Fast forward~ finally it is our turn. We presented our slides in a fast and steady way, After all I think our presentation was not that bad. OKAY. We were being released early today. We went to have a couple of ball games. Basketball and soccer. Shiok la we sweat like hell. Nice feeling huh? After that , it was our dinner time!! Woohoo shuang arh. We went to the place which mr chua recommended us, the fishballs shop. The fishballs in china is not the same as the fishballs in Singapore the texture is much softer. We ordered 2 bucket of fishballs and 2 side dishes. SHIOKK. It was nice and cheap. Went we call for the bills we were all shock. Guess how much? 109 RMB ONLY. But she charged us 100RMB . Is like 11RMB for each person. Wow. 2.5 SGD!! Nice la. After that went to the place next to the restaurant and grab some finger food. Then some of us wanted to buy some bread and we head to the bread shop near WUST. After that went back to hostel did some wash up then off to bed. Nights!
What I want to say is that the prices of the food in china is super cheap. All we can say is “WHACK ONLY.JUST BUY…no need to hesitate”. Haha. Sports is good.
Nights !

Day 9
Ok.. lesson today as usual. We had APPG today. And mr chua ended the lesson early today at 3 pm. After that we went back to our room did some revision on the lab. Until 530 then we went to the club house to have our basketball game with the china student here. Both side played hard and we seems like losing but the final results that was given says we won the game? After the game we went to have our dinner and after that brought some stuff as we are going to the three gorgeous tomorrow. The greatest dam in the world. EXCITED. Because we always watch it on the television and never got a chance to see it. I think it is a once in a life time experience. So sleeping early today tomorrow need to wake up at 6 and the bus will leave at 720am. Nights.
Had a very good experience playing with foreign student. We need practice on everything with practice I think APPG is not that difficult as thought. Ok tomorrow trip to three gorgeous Nights!

Day 10
OKAY. Woke up at 6 today. Prepare for the trip to three gorgeous. Had breakfast at the hostel as we do not want to wake up so early. Had the bread we brought yesterday. After our breakfast we quickly went to meet the others and walk to the meet point at the front gate of WUST. The journey to the three gorgeous was long. Most of us slept throughout the journey. We had to stop at YI CHANG to have our lunch and then bused to the three gorgeous. The scenery there was WOW. Finally saw the amazing dam. And we took many photos there and after that we took a bus ride around that area to view the scenery. After that we went for our dinner at the same restaurant we had for our lunch. We need to be hurry as we are late for the cruise went we reach the cruise we were like almost one hour late. Heard that the people in the cruise are not happy with us. After that we got our cabin and went in. It was better then I expect. Stay in the cruise and we watched how the elevator elevate the cruise up. It was amazing. And after that went back to our cabin to sleep as we are going out tomorrow to another place. Nights.
Actually china people are very smart. They can actually think of elevating the boats up and the dam they made was very effective. It prevent the water in chang jiang from over flowing. Because of this the three gorgeous attracted many tourist to go there every year. Therefore they have earn quite a lot from the work that they have done. And also the dam produce the largest voltage in the world. They have a total of 26 generators in the dam which made them the world’s top.

Day 11
Ok. First night in the cruise was not that bad had quite a good night there. But the morning was super cold. Had our breakfast there. And we boarded a boat which led us to the sheng nong xi. A stream that was name after sheng nong a Chinese physician. And when we reach there we took a small boat which was moved by human strength. The tour guide told us that the average age of this boat man are 30plus. Really need a lot of strength to move the boat and this man had to pull to boat when the boat reached a shallow area. They really need great strength to pull the boat through. And after that when back to our cruise. The journey took us about 4 to 5 hours. After we had our lunch it was our own time in the cruise. It was a late lunch. After that at 7 we went to bai di cheng a place where they exhibit the romance of the 3 kingdom. The place there was quite creepy as it is quite dark and the lighting of the place is in green. And the figure of liu bei and those generals are quite real. Looks as if they are staring at you. The stairs to the bai di cheng is freaking high we had to walk back all the way. After that we went back to our cruise and have some star gazing as the sky tonight is super clear. Chilling out at the cruise. Ok sleeping soon as tomorrow we will be back to WUST. OKAY. Nights.
China is really a very big place we took hours to travel from places to places. Unlike Singapore few minutes we can get to the place we want. With the raising of china they still can preserve all these natural and ancient artifact. With this the next generation can enjoy and know the history because when the real thing is presented to them they will have more memory and also with this the interaction with parents are also better. I really like the places we had went to it is super nice and we hardly see and experience these in Singapore. Chang jiang is a really must go place when you come to china.

Day 12
OKAY. Today is the day where we are going back to WUST from the three gorgeous trip. We had our breakfast on the cruise. ZZZ…same boring food again..LOL. OK. After that we chill at our cabin to wait for the cruise to reach the dock. After we reach the dock we took the same bus where we took to yi chang. The bus alight us at some random supermarket for us to get some local product “rice cracker”. It taste quite good. After this I found out that china people really like spicy food, even their snacks they also want to put pepper? LOL. After we had did our shopping we head back to WUST. The journey back seems longer compare to the time we took there. It took us 6 hours plus to reach WUST. Ok. At first we are all sleeping in the bus and after that we woke up and had some fun and snacks until we reach WUST. We are feeling more and more restless until the guide told us that we are reach WUST and we suddenly felt some energy rushing into our body. WOOHOO.. we were like finally! After we reach school we head straight to the canteen to have our lunch. As it is a late lunch for us and we all felt super hungry. Ran to order our food and eat like there is no tomorrow. Ok. And after that we all went back to our hostel to wash our clothes because we did no wash any on the cruise. And after we had all done our things we rest awhile and went for our dinner. After that went to get some daily necessities and went back to hostel. Turning in. nights. Super tired.
China is really super big we can travel within its province for hours to get to our destination. Again I think that washing machines are really good compare to hand wash. Without parents and our electronic stuff we must try and experiences things on our own. Ok Nights.

Day 13
Okay. Lesson as usual at 9 am and went for our breakfast at canteen 1. Today we did our APPG lab 2 and submitted to mr ma. We proceed to do our lab 3. Today’s lesson ended early because we have an interacting program with the china students in WUST in the club house. Because the event is starting at 6 and therefore we need to be earlier. We had to introduce ourselves. We were being assigned to different tables. Mr chua told us to perform something for each group. In the end we did not perform anything for each group but we combine 3 group and sang a song call an jing. Sebestian’s group also shows case some of their dancing talent, they perform some India dance to the people, this also shows that Singapore is a multi-racial country. Cristofer show case some of his martial art skills on me. That’s all from the students from ngee ann. Last performance from our school which was MR CHUA, he together with the china lecturer sang peng you and after awhile we joined him on the stage. The rest was performed by the china students. They are quite active. That eventually brings up the atmosphere of the event. The last part was that we had to go to the dance floor to dance. Mr ma danced. Woohoo. After the event we took photos with the china student and then went back to our hostel. Then nights!
Ok. I think that everything need to practice, like APPG we also need constant practice and revision or else we cannot catch up with the teacher’s pace. With practice we can be more firm and confident of our work. I think that china people are really very warm and friendly they can be hyper all the way. As for us I think that we are not interactive enough as compared to those china students. From this interacting activity I learnt that we must take the initiative to talk and interact with people around you. Ok tomorrow still need to visit the steel factory had to wake up at 6. Nights.

Day 14
Ok. Today was too early and we have not enough time to eat at the canteen. Therefore we took our breakfast in our hostel eating the bread we brought yesterday. We met at 720 and went to meet the mde division people on the way of our journey and head straight to the steel factory. It is the largest steel factory in wuhan also called the wu gang steel factory. They have their own transport system within the factory, even their own train system. So it shows how well the factory is working. After we reach the steel factory we were being lead around the factory and show us how the steel are being processed. We like went into the factory for only 20 min and we spent about 5hours in total to and back to WUST. But I think that the trip is still worth it because we hardly get the chance to enter this kind of large scale factory. It is like a once in life time thing for us. After that the driver drove us to lu xiang guang chang. We bused back to WUST straight. We had our lunch at canteen 2. Then went back to dome to take a rest before our 3 pm lesson. After the lesson we went back to our room and take a rest before we went out for dinner. After our dinner we went out to get some snacks and bread. Then that’s all for today.
The factories here are really big. They produce really big stuff. There are really a lot of factories here, maybe because the cost here is cheaper and they can produce large quantity at a time so many companies came over to set their factories here. Therefore create jobs for the locals. On the other hand I saw the less develop side of china. When we were heading back to WUST we went by one area which their roads were uneven. Our bus is like rocking throughout the whole journey there and also the living conditions there are quite bad. Their houses are incomplete E.g. they have only half side of their wall and they need to earn that half side of the wall before they can finish building their houses.

Day 15
Today our lesson starts at 8 because there will be a china lecturer taking over us for IS. Today’s topic is about the business strategy and how you can actually clinch a deal easily without any dispute. He also taught us what is the different culture and practice in different countries. After that was our lunch. The afternoon lesson will be start at 1 today and ends at 3 because mr chua wanted us to go to the digital mall in wuhan and take a look. So we quickly did our summary on the ppt and went back to our hostel and put down our stuff then went out. We took 901 to the mall. The bus was sooo pack , we have to squeeze our way into the bus. When we reach there we took a picture and went to look around. Trying to find the things we want and compare it with Singapore. We found out the the price of those electronic stuff are almost the same price compare to Singapore. Therefore we prefer buying those stuff in singapore because there will be local warranty. But the china electronic product are cheap, much cheaper. There was once we saw a mp4 and we think it is quite good. We went forward and ask the price as we wanted to buy 8 sets of it, we tried to bargain with the sales lady. The best price we can get is 220 yuan which was 80 yuan from the original price she give us. We think we can bargain more but the shop is closing soon so we decided to come back another day to buy our stuff. As we have lesson tomorrow we all wanted to go back earlier to rest. We tried to get a van but he told us we need to pay 60 yuan for each van and told us we need 2hour plus to reach WUST but we took only 45mins when we took a bus there from our school. China is getting warmer and we were like sweating like hell in the bus. We took a lot of photos in the bus. The bus is like having flashlights party. We return to school to have our dinner and went back to our hostel. After that we have briefing and we all went back to sleep. Nights!
China population is huge, even they have a lot of buses but their buses are always so pack. As compare to Singapore it is more pack. Or maybe their bus is small compare to Singapore. Their stuff can bargain until 50%.wow. We definitely cannot do this in Singapore. But their international stuff is almost the same price compare to Singapore. Buying China brand is recommended here and also bargain for the best price that you think is reasonable.

Day 16
Lesson as usual today. Have our breakfast and when for lesson. Did tutorial 3 and lab 3 and mr ma gave some lecturer and the morning lesson ended. We went for lunch at canteen 1 and went back to hostel and rest. After that went back for afternoon lecture. Mr ma went through chapter 4 and we continued with our lab 4. Lesson ended at 4.30 and I went back hostel to complete my lab and out for dinner. Then did some revision at night then went to sleep. Getting results tomorrow!!! NERVOUS! Okay ba. Nights.
Nothing special today except the weather is getting hotter. Zzz. Cold weather please!! Seems used to the cold weather here. Although today is about 20 degree but some of us were sweating like hell. Starting to be nervous about my results as this semester is much tougher then the last semester. GOOD luck guys!! Flying colour please!!PRAY..nights !

Day 17
Today is Friday and also the day for us to see our results. Woke up at 7 to see our results although our lesson starts at 9 today. It is a relieve seeing me clearing all the modules. Although the result is not that good, blame myself for being too lazy to revise my work. Must be more hardworking the next semester. Ok. Have our lesson as usually. As today we only need to complete our lab 4 and we can go back. So class ended at 3. After that we proceed to do our IS. After that went for dinner and then get some stuff for our tomorrow wudang trip. wow. Looking forward to it. Because always see wudang mount in those tv and movies, finally we get to see it and step on the mount personally. We shall end this early today. Tomorrow need to wake up at 6. Meeting the rest at 7. Nights.
I got back my results of my semester today. Not satisfied with it. But got to blame myself for not revising and too playful for the last semester. Got to buck up and no more fooling around. Excited for wudang trip. Nights!

Day 18
Today woke up at 5.50am to prepare for our wudang trip. Waking cristofer was my daily routine. We all were ready to meet at 6.50am and we went to the bus and chop the back seats. Nothing happened in the bus as we are all sleeping throughout the whole journey there. Too tired already. Zzz. When we reach our lunch place we all rushed to the toilet to clear our bladder. The toilet there was horrible. And straight after our lunch we went up the mountain. Woohoo. It was really beautiful and felt peaceful up there. The scenery was Whoa!!!We went to visit 2 temples. When we are at the first temple nicki suddenly felt the urge to pee and we followed him down the temple to PEE. LOL!! The journey down the temple was not very far but it seems like few kilometer for nicki. He tried to take a short cut there but the short cut leads him nowhere. So finally he got to the toilet and unleashes his long waited urine. LOL. We went to the second temple and I think that it is much better than the first one. There are wudang student practicing martial arts there and we took a few photos of them. Their training were quite tough. The teacher punched their stomach went ever they did something wrong. After the second temple we went down the mountain to have our dinner and checked in to our hotel. The hotel was quite eerie. We played a few rounds of card game and turn in. need to assemble at 6.30 am tomorrow so sleeping early. Nights!
Although we do not have any natural sites in Singapore but I really enjoy these beautiful scenery. The nature and those ancient buildings are great. I think that china government did a really great job to protect these ancient buildings and not letting them to extinguish. Letting the next generation to know about them and also to let them enjoy these sceneries. To protect them is everyone’s job. So we cannot destroy them by littering there. So that’s all for today. Nights!

Day 19
Ok. Woke up at 530 but then fall asleep again and waking up at 610. We were almost late. When for breakfast at the same restaurant again. After we all went back to wudang mountain for the second time. Ok.. We all went straight to queue for the cable car to go to the summit of wudang mountain. We were all pissed off by those china people. They all cut our queue for no reason. We all block them to prevent them from going in front. But instead of staying in the queue, they climbed over the fence to cut our queue. That’s ridiculous!! So our tour guide started scolding them. They went away after that. We informed the guards about this. When there is another group and also a priest in there tried to cut the queue but the guards came forward and tell them off. So they started scolding each other. Of course the guards won. After waited for 2 and a half hour we finally reached the front of the queue and took the cable car. It was scary at first because the cable car is only clinched to the wire by a hook. But we are at the middle the scary part was gone and we started to enjoy the scenery up there and also greeted those people going past our cable car. Finally we reached the top and we climbed stairs to reach the jin ting. Which the temple roof was made of gold. Took photos there and went back to the cable car station where we head back to the starting point and had our lunch then head back to WUST. The journey took us 8 hours. Which make us all restless, luckily the driver played us some music. So when we reached WUST, mr chua told us we will be having lesson at 10 tomorrow. So we will have extra time to sleep. Really super tired. Nights!
The ancient people are really incredible. They can create such nice and artistic structure. They can build on the mountains with the technology back then. But with the technology now it is still very hard to build something on mountain. Their minds are really great.

Day 20
Woke up at 830 today as lesson starts at 10. Went for breakfast at canteen 1, had the usual stuff. When we finished our breakfast, we walked out of the canteen and we realized that it is raining heavily out there. So we walked to our classroom. Had our lesson till 1140 then had our lunch. Went back to our dorm. Then walked to the class at 140pm, did our trial lab test. It wasn’t that difficult after all. We manage to complete the lab. Then we were all released after that. Went back to our dorm and went for dinner at 7. After that did some revision for tomorrow’s lab test and went to bed. Nights!
I think that 10 am lesson is the best lesson time. Ok. Need to get more practice on my APPG lab test. Nights! =)

Day 21
Woke up at 830am today. Because we are having our first lab test today and we are the second group so we don’t need to be that early. Went for breakfast at canteen 1. After we had finished our breakfast, when we are about to go we received a message from mr chua informing us that the test will be delayed to 1020. So we had more food at the canteen before we go. So after all eating, we went to our classroom and proceed with our lab test. The paper wasn’t that difficult as I thought, so we manage to complete the lab with minimum errors. After that we went back to our dorm to rest as it is too early for lunch. After resting we went to lunch and go for our class. Mr ma went through the lab and we are released after that. Went out for ball and dinner. Went back our dorm and went for briefing at 930pm. After that did lab 5 and went to bath. Nights!
With work and fun we can make life more interesting and fun. After the lab we still got theory test on this coming Friday, so working hard for it. Nights.

Day 22
As usual went for breakfast at 810am today at canteen 1. We had our usual food for breakfast. After that we went to have our lesson. Went for lunch at 12. Ben and me went over to the ATM at WUST, we can actually use Singapore ATM to withdraw money here. The figures are in RMB so we do not need to change the money. It is easier for us but the exchange rate is lower so I think use cash is better. After that went back to dorm and went again for lesson. Had our theory practice at the class and mr ma went through our paper and copied the answer and went back to our dorm. We went out to have our soup bun. Ok the soup bun wasn’t that nice compared to those that I have eaten in Singapore. Went to the supermarket to stock up our ration and stuff. We happened to walk pass some roadside stall. Kenneth brought smelly tofu, so I had my first taste of how the smelly tofu is like. IT WAS OK!!! It wasn’t that inedible after all. Except the smell it had. That scares off people who don’t like the smell. So after we brought our stuff we went back to dorm and didn’t some revision and off to bed. Nights.
Got to study for my upcoming theory test. Also the stuff in china is much cheaper then Singapore but the quality was not that good after all. And and and try something that you never try it before. Like the smelly tofu, it might be smelly but when you eat it you will change the opinion of it. So don’t judge the book by its cover. Night!


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